How I got into Web Development — My Story

Zeeshan Haider Shaheen
5 min readAug 28, 2020
Coding Image

Hello everyone! This is my first post on Medium about my journey in web development. I want to diary my own excursion while learning web improvement. This post is a summary of what I learned and which roadmap I choose on my journey towards developing responsive webpages using HTML and CSS. This post lists all the steps I took and how much time I invested.

“One thing that I want to mention that I am not a professional writer and there might be some grammatical mistakes, and I am here just to share my journey and experience”

First my introduction, I am Zeeshan Haider Shaheen from Pakistan and currently living in Multan, Pakistan. I completed my bachelor's studies from NUCES which is also known as FAST.

So How it all started?

After my graduation in BS Computer Science, I didn’t have a skill set but have some knowledge that I learned during my bachelor studies at university. I was not good at programming and I started learning Java and after a week I lost interest in JAVA and started learning flutter. I kept learning many things and was not able to find something that relief my mind because at that time I was stressed and thinking about my future. I was like,

“What is going to happen as I didn’t know anything”.

So from learning machine learning in python, java, and to flutter, I was confused because I was not able to build interest in any of these. But one day my senior well-wisher hold my hand and introduced me to web development. I already know web development but was not that much into it. So I started learning HTML and CSS and started building responsive web pages and that’s how I build my interest in web development.

Getting the basics:

After deciding I wanted to get into web development the first question on my mind was “What do I learn?”. SO I decided to learn HTML and CSS first.

Learning HTML and CSS:

I started learning HTML and CSS from different resources. I started reading HTML CSS from the mark sheet and started practicing a responsive web design course from free code camp and completed that course. In this course, I learned from the basics of HTML and CSS to advance level including Flexbox, CSS grids, and media queries which helps you to make web pages more attractive and appealing. After submitting the required projects that are prerequisites of getting a certificate I finally receive a certificate.

After learning responsive web design from free code camp, I got fascinated with what you could or had to do to put text, pictures, forms, STUFF on the web. So I was ready to go ahead and make something.

I tried out by writing basic HTML CSS and mainly following Traversy Media. It is highly recommended because of the way he explains stuff is amazing. This person made me understand how to structure content using HTML and how to apply some CSS to set how this content should look. Parallel to this, I took a course HTML CSS JavaScript for web developers from Coursera.

I started developing a clone of different websites including Twitter, Facebook, and Kent C. Dodds, and uploaded my code on GitHub. It's been 10 days of practicing HTML CSS and I improved a lot. I use CSS grids, flexbox, and media queries to make webpages beautiful and responsive.

A sample of one of my webpage I created:

I use CSS grids to style the webpage and is looking quite beautiful.

Choosing a code editor:

Google introduced me to many code editors including Visual Studio Code, brackets, sublime text, atom, etc but I found Visual Studio Code attractive because of its features.

I also got a free codepen account at that time. It’s an online editor, where you can write HTML, CSS, JavaScript and see how they interact with each other, all in the same browser window. Without downloading anything. It’s amazing.

My advice to beginners:

If you are a beginner and want to start your career in Front-end Web Development my advice is to start with HTML CSS and practice as much as you can. After that learn SaaS and learn JavaScript and then start learning JavaScript frameworks like jQuery, React, Angular, etc.

Some resources you would like to follow:

· w3schools

· Codecademy

· freecodecamp

· udemy

· Coursera

These resources will help you learn Web Development. I think that is enough to start with. Once you have started you will ask your own questions anyway and look for the topics you want to dive in deeper, finding your own favorite resources.


I’d just like to say I really enjoyed writing this, and it makes me really happy to have been finally able to give something back to the incredibly supportive programming community everywhere. If any of you have any questions feel free to leave a comment and I’ll definitely try to reply to them.

I hope this was useful to you guys, until next time, Best!

Hallmark, track, and spread your short link with


Zeeshan Haider Shaheen

